Welcome to Roche Italy

Roche has been operating in Italy since 1897: a choice that testifies the key role of our country within the Group, which was born in 1896 in Basel, Switzerland. Today Roche Italy expresses all its competencies – from pharmaceutical to diagnostics – thanks to the work of its people who every day operate to support patients and caregivers, offering solutions able to prevent, diagnose, monitor and treat serious diseases.

A relentless commitment to satisfy health and future expectations of patients always guaranteeing a sustainable and efficient contribution to the country system.
year of foundation of the Italian affiliate

Our Values

We work to provide answers to people who are waiting for solutions that can change or save their lives. Three values guide every person in our company, giving a profound meaning to the work, challenges and successes of every day: integrity, courage and passion.

Our Operating Principles

Roche is built on innovation and innovation is built on ideas. Sharing, discussing and debating diverse ideas is fundamental to our success and this is embedded in our Operating Principles. We all continuously challenge ourselves to be the best at what we do every day - a characteristic of high performing organizations that succeed in a competitive environment.

The lens through which we look at the organization

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
People are at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to a culture where everyone feels a sense of belonging and where we can thrive equally; it doesn't matter what makes us unique: age, beliefs, abilities, how we identify, how we think, where we come from or the languages ​​we speak.

Safety, Health and Environment
Safety, health and environmental protection are important issues in a world that continues to evolve. At Roche, these factors do not just represent a legal fulfillment or a social duty, but are the basis of our small daily gestures inspired by the pillars of sustainability: the ESG of the European Union.

Impact on Society
Every day we reach millions of Italians with our medicines and our solutions. For this reason, we feel a strong sense of responsibility towards the entire community, with volunteer initiatives in support of partner associations in collaboration with the Roche Foundation.