Employee story

Achieving goals and making an impact at Roche - Meet Priyanka

#Innovation #DataScience #GlobalAnalytics #AnalyticsLead
Published: 2023.03.01.
My name is Priyanka and with a master’s degree in health policy, I was seeking an opportunity to assist stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem in identifying potential issues and providing targeted data-driven solutions that will lead to superior outcomes. Like everyone else out here, I aspired for a career that positively impacts the world we live in.
Working with the Global Analytics and Technology Center of Excellence (GATE) Team at Roche is a truly incredible experience for me. Being able to work with such a talented group of individuals and make a difference in the world is truly fulfilling. I was fortunate to learn about this opportunity through an old high school friend who introduced me to Roche and the important
work they do.

At GATE, I am able to work within the US healthcare industry and further develop my skills while also gaining exposure to domains of the industry that still remain a mystery to me. My team and I were given the opportunity to work closely with various business units along the pharmaceutical value chain, from clinical trial operations to commercial strategy to patient
access and beyond. We were able to add value at each stage by leveraging our analytical skills and data-driven insights, making it a truly unique and exciting experience.

As an Analytics Lead, I lead discussions with stakeholders on various projects and provide thought partnership. I make sure I understand the business context of the questions they are trying to answer and design solutions accordingly. I take pride in knowing that my work has a direct impact on Roche’s operations and is always guided by the overarching goal of putting
patients first. It is quite obvious that such lofty objectives are hard to achieve single-handedly. However, I can vouch for the collaborative work environment that the leadership team strives to create at GATE.

"The culture at Roche fosters recognition and appreciation for good work, and opportunities for growth within the team are abundant."

Priyanka Ashok

Analytics Lead

​​​​​​​The collaborative work environment at GATE not only fosters a positive and productive atmosphere for me to work in, but also allows me to pursue projects that align with my short-term and long-term career aspirations. Additionally, Roche’s culture of recognition and growth enables me to continuously improve and develop my skills, which in turn directly contribute to Roche’s mission of putting patients first.

GATE Academy was instrumental on my journey to becoming a proficient coder. With their extensive training and resources on several topics, I was able to gain the knowledge and skills I needed to excel in coding, despite having little prior experience. I found the training to be comprehensive, easy to understand and tailored to my needs. After a year of dedicated learning and practice, I can now confidently say that I have achieved my goal of mastering the skill of coding in Python, something that I have aspired to do since the beginning of my career.

I highly recommend Roche to anyone seeking a meaningful and fulfilling career. At Roche, you will work alongside a team of talented and dedicated professionals, using our collective technical know-how and subject expertise to help ‘do now what patients need next’, a mission that truly sets Roche apart.
Explore more information about our innovative and dynamic team at the Global Analytics and Technology Center of Excellence (GATE) - click now!

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