Employee story

Learning, growing, and contributing at Roche - Meet Swetha

#Innovation #DataScience #GlobalAnalytics #Analyst
Published: 2023.02.21.
My Name is Swetha and I grew up in the Southern parts of India. I graduated from a well-known college in Chennai, India.

I managed to get my first job in a renowned IT Company, where I worked for a few years before I joined Roche in January 2022 as an analyst in the GATE team (Global Analytics and Technology Center of Excellence). My daily responsibilities include working with different stakeholders of Roche and Roche global affiliates to deliver high-quality analytics solutions to address business problems and questions. This position has been an amazing learning experience in allowing me to expand my skill set and understand the pharmaceutical industry.

Before discovering Roche, I wasn’t actively seeking employment, but after reading the posted job description, I applied without second thoughts. I have always been someone who never wanted to experiment with new things and was always traveling in my comfort zone. While at Roche, I have been able to break my bubble and learnt many new things. My interview process was a pathbreaker, the process was handled both professionally and patiently. As a beginner learning from scratch, I am confident that the learnings I acquire throughout my training at Roche will serve me well throughout my life. Roche has also handled and lent immense support to all its employees, especially during times of pandemic crisis.

"I feel fulfilled by my work because I can witness the progress we are making toward improving patient lives."

​​​​​​​Swetha C


​​​​​​​I’m very grateful for the support that my team has given me since joining. My coworkers are very helpful when it comes to helping me learn new things or when I ask questions related to work. “The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” I am excited to be working at Roche, where I am surrounded by colleagues with bright minds and passionate hearts who share my enthusiasm for finding new ways to solve problems. Working at Roche has given me the opportunity to meet with different people from all around the world, and I find the challenges I face on a daily basis to be stimulating and rewarding.

The workplace culture at GATE team is energetic, and the employees here are highly motivated to excel in the vibrant workplace environment. I am encouraged to explore the full potential of my skill set at GATE, where I split the workload with my team members and collaborate cross-functionally to achieve our goals. This shows that we positively engage with one another throughout the workday.

At Roche GATE, we prioritize work-life balance and the position provides the opportunity for a hybrid work schedule and flexibility in terms of working hours. I am pleased to be a member of the team and look forward to witnessing more talents as well as the challenges that lie ahead. My journey ahead is quite an exciting one and I can’t wait to look forward to the hurdles in front and push myself toward the better and the best.

If you’re interested in my story and want to join a team of motivated professionals, our talent community is the place for you.
Explore more information about our innovative and dynamic team at the Global Analytics and Technology Center of Excellence (GATE) - click now!

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