Published: 2021.07.22.
My name is William Zheng and I study Business Administration-Industry at Roche in Mannheim and at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (class of 2020).
My way to Roche
Towards the end of high school, I was faced with the choice between a dual study program and a regular university study program. The dual study program convinced me because, on the one hand, the study program is very practice-oriented and, on the other hand, the practical phases enable me to gain my first professional experience. The choice of the partner company fell on Roche, because I could immediately identify with the corporate philosophy "Doing now what patients need next. Knowing that I am making an important contribution to healthcare through my work makes me proud to be a part of Roche.
Our culture
Diversity and inclusion are the foundations of Roche's corporate culture. People are always in the foreground. My colleagues are characterized by different facets, views, lifestyles and ideas about the future. This diversity and family atmosphere in the departments has inspired me since my first day at Roche. Despite the many different departments and the size of the Group, everyone always treats each other as equals. Regular feedback sessions with my trainer/supervisor allow me to develop both personally and professionally.

" Knowing that I am making an important contribution to healthcare through my work makes me proud to be a part of Roche."
William Zheng
CRM Manager
slide 1 of 10 The Perspectives Programme is an excellent way of getting to know Roche and gain insights on how we are evolving personalised healthcare for the benefit of patients. It’s also a great way to focus on your strengths and the opportunities that lie ahead. Severin Schwan, CEO Roche