Name (mandatory)
Address (mandatory US & Canada only)
Contact details (email address and phone number are mandatory)
Nationality (mandatory Switzerland only)
Additional nationalities (optional, Switzerland only)
Gender (optional, US & Switzerland only)
Hispanic or Latino (optional, US only)
Race/ethnicity (optional, US only)
Veteran status (optional, US only)
Work experience (optional)
Education (optional)
Skills (optional)
Languages (optional)
CV/resume (mandatory)
Additional documents (other supporting documents are optional unless specifically requested within the job advertisement)
Recorded video assessment files (if applicable)
(mandatory unless an accommodation is requested)
Answers to application questions (if applicable)
(e.g. some questions may be mandatory and others optional depending on the questionnaire)
Notes (e.g. interview notes) (optional)
Scheduled interview details (optional)
Any other information you voluntarily share with us (e.g. including a photo within the CV) will be processed to the extent necessary to achieve the dedicated purpose outlined below