Segurança, saúde e bem-estar


Equilibrando trabalho e vida

Nossa abordagem para promover o equilíbrio trabalho-vida varia de país para país. Mas é sempre baseado em um princípio comum: queremos ajudar nossos funcionários a executar em todo o seu potencial.

Arranjos de trabalho flexíveis ajudam nossos colaboradores a equilibrar a vida e o trabalho e, portanto, são um elemento importante para atender às necessidades individuais de nossa força de trabalho cada vez mais diversificada.  Sempre que possível, atendemos aos pedidos dos funcionários por condições especiais de trabalho, oferecendo arranjos que podem incluir:
  • meio período, flexi-time/flexi-aposentadoria, compartilhamento de emprego, trabalho em casa, licença sabática e licença parental para homens e mulheres
  • creches, como creches e creches
  • outras disposições que ajudam os funcionários a combinar suas funções de carreira e família
Muitas afiliadas da Roche já oferecem alguma forma de trabalho flexível. O grau de modelos de trabalho flexíveis oferecidos depende de uma variedade de fatores, incluindo o ambiente jurídico local, as práticas do mercado local e o ambiente cultural, entre outros. Ao mesmo tempo em que levamos em conta o ambiente regulatório local e os requisitos individuais de trabalho, nosso objetivo é oferecer aos nossos funcionários tanta flexibilidade quanto possível.
O trabalho flexível permite que um funcionário adapte seu tempo de trabalho e práticas para se adequar à sua situação individual, dentro do ambiente jurídico de um país e em alinhamento com as necessidades dos negócios ou com as necessidades específicas de trabalho.

Bem-estar dos funcionários

Nossa gama de programas de bem-estar em sites ao redor do mundo varia de país para país. No entanto, uma ideia que temos em comum é a visão de fomentar uma cultura de saúde e bem-estar no trabalho. Dependendo da localização, esses programas podem incluir, por exemplo, serviços médicos (por exemplo, check-ups médicos, exames), centros de ginástica, restaurantes de funcionários, avaliações ergonômicas no local de trabalho e serviços de aconselhamento. Também oferecemos o INTERNATIONAL SOS, um serviço gratuito, a todos os nossos funcionários (e seus dependentes) para ajudá-lo a mantê-lo seguro e saudável se uma situação de emergência surgir quando você estiver viajando ou vivendo fora de seu país de origem.
We also organize ‘Live Well. Find your balance.’ a wellbeing week held at sites once a year to promote awareness of and education about healthy lifestyles, nutrition, emotional wellbeing as well as resources offered by Roche to its employees.

Managing organisational change

The pharmaceutical industry is changing constantly. It regularly faces mergers and acquisitions and pressures from governments, payers and regulators. As a company, we must address these changes while also ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of our operations.
Whenever we adapt to new circumstances or make changes to improve our business, we respond proactively to ensure respectful, responsible treatment for employees who are affected.

Supporting employees during organizational change

We inform employees who will be affected as soon as possible and provide appropriate assistance and support during a period of organisational change. This includes comprehensive social plans that may include the following:
  • retraining and redeployment options
  • severance payment programmes
  • outplacement services and counselling
  • access to career centres
To keep our valued employees our support measures include relocation, retention incentives and new career orientation support.  Our packages are also always in line with local and legal regulations and customs.

Safeguarding our employees and our communities

Safeguarding our employees and the communities in which we are located is a key priority for Roche.  Prevention of and/or preparedness in the event of an emergency are essential safety activities and part of our normal company operating procedures.

Maintaining high standards

We maintain high standards to ensure the safety, security, health and environment for our employees and the communities we live.  This is accomplished through the responsible, methodical work of our SHE (safety, health and environment) department. We strive for continuous improvement and integration in SHE wherever possible and economically viable.
All operations are periodically audited to assess safety levels, to identify gaps and to define improvement measures and to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory regulations.

Education, awareness and training

To increase internal awareness, prevention and readiness, we communicate best practices and lessons learned using internal and external examples.  We also conduct and run regular educational trainings and updates to ensure our staff has the latest information in this area.  We believe that education, awareness and training are the best ways to foster employee engagement in and responsibility for SHE. With this in mind, we conduct regular training sessions, regional conferences and workshops and provide online tools in local languages to most employees.
We employ around 600 people in safety, health and environmental protection. SHE teams at each Roche site identify risks, develop mitigation plans and communicate policy and guidelines to employees and other stakeholders.
more about our SHE goals and performance

Achieving high safety levels

We achieve high safety levels by implementing technical safety measures and adhering strictly to safe work processes and procedures. To identify required safety measures and procedures, we use systematic risk assessments for all activities that could result in unsafe practices.
Should a safety incident occur, we immediately dispatch well trained and equipped crisis management and emergency response teams.

Protecting employee health

At Roche we recognize a safe workplace as a human right. We are committed to prevent and mitigate identified risks. By way of example every affiliate performs a workplace health risk assessment and has a mitigation plan, including appropriate measures in place.
We establish occupational health standards at the corporate level that must be respected even if they exceed local regulations. Our standards are very prescriptive for matters specific to Roche, such as exposure standards for substances manufactured exclusively by Roche. We also follow best practices in areas such as ergonomics and protection from physical hazards. Our activities are also influenced by local law and culture.
Every site has a local Occupational Health function. It acts as an advisor to local management and supervises the implementation of local regulations, corporate standards and recommendations.
Additionally, in areas such as mental health and health promotion, the Occupation Health function offers employees in many locations counselling services and employee assistance programs.

Nossas metas ambientais e desempenho​​​​​​​

Temos uma abordagem integrada que alinha nossa estratégia ambiental, objetivos e metas com nossos objetivos de negócios.

Nossa abordagem para Segurança, Segurança, Saúde & Meio Ambiente (SHE)

Proteger as pessoas e o meio ambiente não é apenas uma obrigação legal ou social, é parte integrante de nossas operações.