Understanding the needs of physicians and patients better


We apply ourselves day by day to our mission ‘Doing now what patients need next’!

Muriel Behra, Customer Experience Manager at Roche Pharma AG in Grenzach

What does a Customer Experience Manager do?

Our Customer Experience Management team has an important interface function – we work flexibly with many different teams and implement the most diverse projects with them. We, for example, have a close exchange with the department Patient & Public Partnership, as well as our colleagues from Market Analytics. My task thereby is to advise the teams strategically and to assume the project coordination. The question always asked is how we can become faster and more efficient, to be able to respond better to the needs of physicians and patients.

Which abilities does a Customer Experience Manager need?

A Customer Experience Manager needs good project management skills, because we work in cross-functional and very diverse teams. But a high level of self-organization and team ability is also needed.

What do you especially enjoy as a Customer Experience Manager?

I personally really like working in different constellations – that way one gains a good overview and one can develop a personal network. This is very important in a large company like Roche. Our corporate culture builds on diversity and trust – for me these are the best requisites to be able to grow and achieve greater things. In this respect, especially the position as Customer Experience Manager repeatedly offers me new possibilities. We are, for example, currently educating ourselves in creative techniques and agile methods of working.

How did you become a Customer Experience Manager?

By birth I am French and did my doctorate in Germany. I wanted to develop further in marketing. Therefore, the Marketing Trainee Program at Roche was ideal for me. The program includes a field service phase of one and a half year duration, and this was an extremely instructive time for me! During this period my pronounced service orientation developed: These days there is a flood of information and services and they are available at any time – but what do patients and physicians really need from us? What do they expect from us? And how can we contribute and offer physicians and patients an added value? So the position as a Customer Experience Manager matched exactly for me.

What has shaped you most in your career at Roche?

The direct contact with physicians in the field service phase had a large impact on me. It is very motivating to find out first-hand how they use our medicinal products for their patients and which experiences they have had with them. I am convinced that we as a pharmaceutical company can make a positive contribution for physicians and patients and I am gladly willing to contribute my share in this.

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