Employee story

Bridging Care and Compassion with Innovation in Healthcare Services - Meet Nani

#healthcaresystempartner #rochecareers #rocheapacpharma #healthcareservices
Published: 2024.02.21.
Tell us about yourself
Hi, my name is Nani and I am a mother of two. I initially graduated in veterinary studies, but my entire professional career has been in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the field of oncology. My journey in this sector commenced in July 1994, and I joined Roche in December 2004.

Why did you choose Roche, why have you chosen to stay with Roche, what do you most enjoy about working at Roche? 
My first role with Roche was a position as an Oncology Therapeutic Area Manager, later I advanced to the role of Oncology Business Unit Head. During my second term with Roche Indonesia, I contributed my expertise as an Oncology Sales Manager, then I progressed to become a Strategic Healthcare Lead. Currently, I serve as the Healthcare System Partner (HSP) for Healthcare Infrastructure & Capacity Building.

A tenure of over 14 years with Roche has been a truly rewarding journey. I have witnessed first-hand how Roche conducts its business with unwavering values, prioritising high ethical standards and translating its commitment to people, patients and the health system. What sets Roche apart is its pioneering role in numerous advancements that bring value not only to individual patients but also to the society at large.

During my commercial role, my efforts were not solely focused on meeting sales targets; I understood that with every single vial reaching patients, someone’s life could be saved with one of Roche’s innovative products. Now, as I collaborate with various stakeholders to enhance the health system capacity, I am confident that my work will have a positive impact beyond individual patients. 

"Start small, iterate, be persistent and let the results speak …"

Nani Widjaja
Healthcare System Partner, Indonesia

Can you describe how Roche’s values align with yours and why it is a meaningful role for you?
I am driven by a desire to contribute value and make a positive impact on society in my professional endeavours. The culture at Roche enables me to actualise this aspiration. In my current position, through the Primary Point of Contact model, my efforts contribute to enhancing health system readiness and capacity. This, in turn, ensures that patients can benefit from our innovative solutions.

Have you ever faced challenges that required new ways of working, how did your team adaptability contribute to a positive outcome?
Making innovation accessible to patients requires us to collaborate not only with customers but also with multiple stakeholders to address challenges such as limited capacity and capabilities within the healthcare system. The Primary Point of Contact way of working at Roche enables us to partner with stakeholders to address system challenges. An example of this is one of my experiences in working with my team to improve the capacity of oncology nursing. We co-created with our stakeholders and engaged them in a partnership, which resulted in our oncology nursing capacity project expanding beyond our initial target. Our role has shifted from being programme initiators to being programme catalysts working to ensure project sustainability and adoption by the government.

Are there any opportunities provided by Roche that help you develop new skills as part of your career growth?
The opportunity to move from a commercial role to a Primary Point of Contact role as a HSP was a remarkable opportunity and experience for me, showcasing Roche’s commitment to providing space for employees to learn and grow. I gained extensive knowledge about the healthcare system, including identifying barriers within the system, stakeholder engagement, building partnerships, and co-creating solutions with stakeholders.

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