You are about to finish your bachelor's or master's degree - and now? Whether direct entry or trainee program, at Roche in Germany there are several offers for your start into professional life. Get insights into a global healthcare company where we can guarantee you a successful career start. Learn more!
Trainee Programs
Month Communications Traineeship
Startup Traineeprogram
For academics, Roche offers a jumpstart into the world of pharmaceuticals and diagnostics with the Start-Up Program. In the team, you gain experience as a basis for a career at Roche: exciting, challenging, innovative, successful! Here you will find the most important facts:
We offer four different programs in the areas of "Business", "Science","Engineering" and "Data Science"
Nein, unsere Trainee-Stellen werden immer anhand des Bedarfs der Fachbereiche ausgeschrieben, sodass spannende Projekte für unsere Trainees möglich sind. Weiterhin stehen bei uns individuelle Starttermine im Vordergrund, sodass wir auf die Bedürfnisse von Bewerbern eingehen können.
Hier geht's zu unseren Ausschreibungen.
Unsere Trainee-Programme dauern zwischen 24 und 36 Monaten. In den Zweigen Business, Engineering und Data Science rotieren unsere Trainees innerhalb einer Einheit in der Regel alle drei bis sechs Monate, inklusive eines Auslandsaufenthaltes. Weiterhin steht unseren Trainees ein breites Angebot an exklusiven Entwicklungsmaßnahmen zur Verfügung, die sowohl in virtuellen als auch in Präsenzformaten stattfinden. Unser jährlicher Hackathon, diverse deutschlandweite Netzwerkveranstaltungen sowie Mentoring und Shadowing runden das Angebot ab. Und das ist nur ein kleiner Ausschnitt unseres ausgiebigen Programms. Neugierig? Dann bewirb Dich.
Traineeship Communications

Media, Knowledge, Roche Stories
Our traineeship in communications offers insights into the content and organizational processes of corporate communications at Roche. Through strategic skills and a flair for exciting stories, we manage to identify interesting topics for the respective stakeholders and prepare them in a relevant way via different channels. In this way, we make an important contribution to Roche's positioning in Germany - towards customers, the public or employees.
You get to know our communicative day-to-day business and help to shape profound changes such as digitalization in the healthcare market and present them in an understandable way. You will take on exciting tasks and your own projects and will quickly realize that no two days are the same. And in all of this, you'll have the support of a team for whom cohesion and helpfulness are top priorities.

An all around training
Depending on the area of work and previous knowledge, the Roche traineeship in communications offers comprehensive training in theory and practice with individual support in 18 to 24 months. The practical training "on the job" by working in the communications team and taking on a variety of tasks and projects is supplemented by internal and external theoretical training with freely selectable focal points. Depending on the department, the traineeship can also be supplemented by a look beyond the horizon in the form of job shadowing with internal or external partners (newspaper, TV, radio or PR agency).
The most important thing you should bring to our training program is a passion for communication. You are creative, curious and media-savvy. You have an open personality and are keen to build up a broad network. You think outside the box and are enthusiastic about bringing in new ideas. Above all, you want to become an expert in communication solutions and learn how to strategically plan and implement communication. Does all this apply to you? Then our traineeship is the right place for you!

Internal, external, cross-media
We don't want to give too much away yet, but this is already said: Your traineeship at Roche will be instructive and extremely varied. Strategic conceptualization, cross-media thinking and creative implementation of ideas - here you will be optimally prepared for the communications profession. You will implement photo, video and podcast formats, write texts of all kinds for print and online media, from press releases and intranet news to articles for employee media or trade publications, help shape our social media presence, and organize press and employee events. The wide range of tasks makes your communication traineeship at Roche unique and exciting. Depending on the department, the job profile can focus on HR, marketing or sales communication, internal, product or site communication in Pharmaceuticals or Diagnostics. Please refer to the respective job description for more information.

This information is not enough for you? You want to see what's really behind it and what our trainees do? Here you get a small exclusive foretaste. See for yourself if you would like the tasks in communications at Roche and browse through our trainee's projects collection:
Video interview with Daniela Meisel, Head of RICM Site Operations and Site Head of Roche Innovation Center Munich
Career blog posts about Digital Innovations at Roche: Chatbot FINN and "Voice meets Hightech"
Podcast episode "Between Lego bricks and video calls - about the home office with children"
Roche Story "On the trail of a coronatest"
External communication for Cervical Health Awareness Month 2019 as Roche Story, press release, on LinkedIn and Instagram